1 make a new folder
2 download all the skins you want to put into that folder
3 then make a new text doc in folder (from number 1) and paste this into it . . . (don’t change it or it won’t work it needs to be copied and Pasted exactly)
Modinfo_BinName=w_M_Mecc_L1.bin Modinfo_BinType=13 Modinfo_BinName=w_M_Mecc_L2.bin Modinfo_BinType=13 Modinfo_BinName=w_M_Mecc_L3.bin Modinfo_BinType=13 Modinfo_BinName=w_M_Mecc_LW1.bin Modinfo_BinType=13 Modinfo_BinName=w_M_3way_L1.bin Modinfo_BinType=49 Modinfo_BinName=w_M_3way_L2.bin Modinfo_BinType=49 Modinfo_BinName=w_M_3way_L3.bin Modinfo_BinType=49 Modinfo_BinName=w_M_3way_LW1.bin Modinfo_BinType=49 Modinfo_BinName=w_M_Reaper_L1.bin Modinfo_BinType=11 Modinfo_BinName=w_M_Reaper_L2.bin Modinfo_BinType=11 Modinfo_BinName=w_M_Reaper_L3.bin Modinfo_BinType=11 Modinfo_BinName=w_M_Reaper_LW1.bin Modinfo_BinType=11 Modinfo_Shareable Modinfo_UserMessage=
4 Modinfo_UserMessage= is were you put your mod pack description (what appears in gmm before hosting a map) (if you want a new line put in a \n)E.G
Modinfo_UserMessage=skins my me \n made into a modpack by him
and that would look like this
skins my me made into a modpack by him
5 now save the text doc and rename it default.gmm
6 put all the files in the new folder (from number 1) in a compressed folder
7 now rename the compressed folder to what ever you want your mod pack to be, be sure to put .gck on the end instead of .zip E.G
Skins .gck (don’t forget the .gck)